Analyzes social media monitoring

9 February 2024
Reading time 2 minuty

It is difficult to clearly define what social media is today. Certainly, it is a form of communication based on the culture of creating and sharing content. A collection of relationships, behaviors, emotions, interactions between people on the Internet.

We are living in the era of social media and it is having a huge impact on our social and business lives. In 2020, there were more than 3.6 billion people in the world using social media, it is estimated that there will be 4.41 billion in 2025[1]. To cite just the main channels, types of sites that exist on the Internet, we have: blogs, vlogs, microblogs, discussion forums, mailing lists, instant messaging, citizen journalism sites, news sites, image file sites, video sites, social networking sites, opinion sites, crowdsourcing sites, price comparison sites, lifestreaming sites, document sharing sites, video files, music, or wikiservices.

In the flood of information and sources, how do you measure the effectiveness of brand communication?

This is a difficult task and requires, first of all, 24/7h operations, knowledge of the latest trends and tools, and the behavior of Internet users. There is no single most effective way to analyze a brand’s image in social media. Rather, a set of indicators is used, based on which the social media manager presents conclusions and recommendations for action. Worth considering: social media monitoring or web analytics. If we would like in-depth data and information, online survey research should also be considered.

Analiza i monitoring social media

The main criteria considered when monitoring and analyzing a brand on the Internet[2]:

  • Number of overall results (across all sources);
  • Number of results in social media;
  • Number of results outside social media;
  • Number of results added by men and women (percentage breakdown);
  • Engagement, brand interactions (downloads, shares, likes, clicks, retweets, wall posts, comments);
  • Social media reach;
  • Overtones criterion (positive, negative);
  • Results in individual channels (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Snapchat, etc.);
  • Results in the blogosphere and among microbloggers;
  • Analysis of posts on discussion forums (contexts, semantics);
  • Redirects to our website;
  • Posts eliciting the most interaction;
  • Most active Internet users, opinion leaders, most influential authors;
  • The most active sites where our brand is featured;
  • Key and most popular discussion sites.

Tools that will facilitate the management of monitoring and analysis of brand image: Brand 24, brandometer, mobuzzer, NewsPoint, Sentione, Sotrender, socialbakers, trackur, BuzzSumo, or Feedly.


[2] Por M. Grabarczyk-Tokaj., Kontekst w badaniach Internetu. Znaczenie praktyczne dla komunikacji marketingowej, Studia Ekonomiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, nr 216, Katowice 2015, s. 50-58

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