Social Media is a great place not only for quick communication between users, but also endless opportunities for company positioning and reputation building. For several years there has been a succession of increased activity of CEOs in social media. Can such activities help the company, and if so, how should the profile in question be run? Officially, or with detachment? How to do it so as not to harm, and who is currently leading the way?
Social media is growing in popularity every year, as evidenced by the ever-increasing number of users, the targeting of more attention from advertisers, or the invaluable opportunities for companies representing absolutely every conceivable industry. The main premise of social media was initially to facilitate dialogue between users, but very quickly it was realized that it is also an excellent field for brand positioning, which is not such an obvious and easy matter. In addition to the familiar ways, i.e. actively maintaining the company’s profile and thoughtfully posting content related to the activities of a particular industry, the official profile of the CEO turned out to be an excellent way to strengthen the image.
However, let’s start with the basics, which is where most of us are. According to the latest data, 70.5%[1] of our country’s population uses the Internet. However, these figures do not take into account the fact that not people use all possible social networks as actively.
Among the many channels available, the most popular among CEOs are certainly: Twitter and LinkedIn. So what are the benefits of a management presence on social networks? First of all, shortening the distance between the company and potential customers, showing the human face of the brand and building a good reputation. The presence of an active ceo can also bring a positive impression among new potential contractors, or at least contribute to fruitful recruitment.
How to get started?
Not everyone is born a speaker, and not everyone has the qualities of an extrovert to break into the world of social media with a hit. It is worthwhile at first to calmly review various profiles, which may become an inspiration to create your own. If, in spite of everything, fears still arise, it is worth thinking about hiring a specialist who will guide you step by step, showing you the possibilities offered by social media. Sometimes ceo profiles are run by specially dedicated people, or even by marketing departments or PR agencies.
How to publish?
There is no generally accepted scheme for running the best profile, but there is such a thing as an unwritten code of good practice. First and foremost, publishing any content about your company’s activities and plans and strategies in an interesting way. What you should also share is certainly insight from your industry – some valuable tips that will interest the public. Comment on important, current information about your sector. It’s also worth telling your career story, which can inspire many people. In addition, if time permits, participate in substantive discussions that often arise under posts.
Where to publish?
It’s best to start your adventure on one of the two profiles mentioned earlier, namely Twitter or LinkedIn. The former is an excellent source of information, where the good old rule reigns: first come, first served! The allowed number of characters on Twitter is very truncated and for those who like to write out, it does not make things easier. What counts here is a reliable, concise entry limited to the most important information. The speed of the flow of content on this channel can also bring undesirable consequences, i.e. bad press after an unfortunate entry, or even pulling the company’s shares down.
LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a platform widely regarded as a place to post your employment history, current workplace and any activity that is related to the industry. It is advisable to maintain your profile diligently, actively posting content, not forgetting to take part in discussions on industry topics. Consumers are more likely to choose the products of that company with which they have contact through social media. An active and transparent ceo, who talks about values, introduces the audience to the brand in an engaging and interesting way, not only works to the benefit of the company, but also sets a good example for his employees, who are eager to follow in his footsteps, often becoming ambassadors of a given company on social media.
Who leads the way?
Among the most active, the clear leader is PKN ORLEN CEO Daniel Obajtek, who boasts more than 23,000 followers on Twitter. The profile is run in a corporate style, with no private content. There is a lot of information about the company’s plans and current activities, as well as the achievements of athletes belonging to the ORLEN Team and the ORLEN Sports Group. President Obajtek also has accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. The content posted is duplicated on all channels.
A great example of a slightly looser language of communication is the profile of Rafal Brzoska, ceo of inPost, among others, who has amassed more than 21,000 followers on LinkedIn. Entries are posted regularly and often deal not only with current activities in companies, but also with the position taken on high-profile social issues. Brzoska also actively contributes to discussions and comments on posts published by business partners. The CEO is also no stranger to CSR topics or responding directly to customer inquiries.
Specialists agree that it is worthwhile to be an active ceo, and it is best to run the profile personally in your own developed style. Such activities not only have a positive impact on the perception of the company by the environment, but also on the employees themselves, who are eager to identify with their workplace.
[1] Study commissioned by the Office of Electronic Communications